
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Blog Update

This is my 24th post since I began blogging daily. I worried initially that I would run out of things to say, but I'm amazed that the more I say, the more there is to discuss. I feel like I am truly looking at the world with a new set of eyes, and I like what I see with this new vision. Everywhere I look I want to describe what I see, feel and experience. I have discovered that I feel passionate about many things that I didn't take the time to notice before this writing experiment. I know people won't always agree with my opinions and positions, and I've had to come to terms with that realization. It's okay. Different ideas make the world interesting. I hope you will consider my ideas as I will strive to understand where you are coming from. I told the writing class last night that you must take a position and stand behind it as a writer; communicate what you believe and feel passionate about, but have the flexibility to know your opinions can change. Six months from now I might feel differently about many of the things I'm writing on today, and that's okay. I'll describe the changes and explain them.

The 2nd writing class went well last night. It's inspiring to see people building their confidence in themselves. It's so important to keep your confidence high for any creative pursuit, and then add in the discipline of actually setting aside time to do the work of writing, and you'll be off to the races. I talked about Anne Lamott's wonderful writing book, Bird by Bird, and also brought up Stephen King's best writing advice, which is to write "word by word." It comes down to writing one word after another until you have finished what you want to say. A lot of discipline is required. Inspiration and no discipline means you'll get very little accomplished, but the reverse is true as well. You can be disciplined to sit down and write every day, but the writing will be flat if there is nothing inspiring you. We talked last night about how hard it is to find time to create, but it's a necessary part of the process. You can only talk about writing for so long before you must sit at your computer or with your pad of paper and do it. I was reading a magazine last night before bed and there was a picture of a celebrity dinner to raise funds for Haiti. A sign in the background proclaimed, "The time is now." That's how I feel about writing at this stage of my life.

I want to thank those of you who have been journeying on this road with me for the last few weeks. Hearing your comments here, on Facebook, e-mail and in person has meant more to me than I can express. It has been my longest dream to write professionally. This blog is helping me move with confidence toward that goal, to develop a body of work I can point people to, while I continue to pursue my screenwriting dreams and submit other writing work for publishing consideration. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for your support. I'd like to increase my readers, so please feel free to pass the word along to your friends. Since writing is a solitary pursuit, feedback from others means so much and provides necessary inspiration to continue. When something I have to say means something to you, we've made a connection and it means I am on the right track. Thank you for reading.


  1. Thanks again for last night and the quick summary of what we talked about! (Reminders are great!) I'm off to check out that new fiction magazine...

  2. YOu know I love reading every day. I've told you time and again what a great write I think you are. Keep it up!

  3. Ok, apparently I didn't edit my comment. It SHOULD say:

    You know I love reading YOUR BLOG every day. I've told you time and again what a great WRITER I think you are. Keep it up!

    Oops. Note to self: Proofread!!

  4. Bonnie, thanks for your feedback. I have really enjoyed getting to know you in the class and I love your enthusiasm and passion for writing.

    Jan, your encouragement and support has been vital for me in pursuing this writing dream, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Proofreading aside, you are amazing!! :)
